
PTTEP is a national petroleum exploration and production company dedicating to provide a sustainable petroleum supply to Thailand and the countries we operate as well to bring in foreign exchange earnings to our country.
A top-ten publicly-listed company in the Stock Exchange of Thailand, PTTEP operates more than 40 projects around the world and has a workforce of 4,000. PSB/LOG facing many problem on the spare part deliery to offshore since lot of manual work, number of hardcopy to do and cuase spare part not delivery ontime
Bar Code (Thailand) Ltd and LOG/PSB Project Team came out with the solution Develop program to work with MAXIMO Application Software in stock Issue, Stock Receipt, Stock Return, Stock Transfer and Stock Physical Count and interface into backend the KIP are:
- Improve stock movement processing time for each transaction : receipt, issue, return, transfer, and physical count
- Increase business process effectiveness with accurate stock physical count.
- Enhance people knowledge & competency.
- Synergize business process, people and technology.
Bar Code (Thailand) Ltd and LOG/PSB Team was spent 4 months to implementation the project and theWMSOneTM Warehouse Managment System anwered and fullfil customer requirement utill now LOB/PSB and Sirikit Oilfiled using solution from Bar Code (Thailand) Ltd.
For more information how Bar Code (Thailand) Ltd empowring your business and hookup for an update information do visit www.barcodethailand.com |